food, synesthesia, hardware, lifestyle
Vaping has transformed how people intake nicotine, offering an alternative to tobacco smoking and an explosion of innovation in flavors, delivery devices, and business models. What if we could do the same with alcohol? We created a device for experiencing fragrant spirits in a new way - even adding fluorescence, holograms, and music - that users describe in equally glowing terms.
Concept: Decoupling
The concept of decoupling taste from food offers a way to explore the pleasure of flavors without any of the physiological effects. With this idea, we wanted to know how we could induce and replicate the sense of smell without a beverage itself. Could we replicate the pleasure of drinking without actually ingesting anything?
Futurity: Vapeohol:
As an attempt to achieve this decoupling, we divided the smell of alcohol from the other senses associated with drinking alcohol like taste or inebriation. From this, we invented Vapeohol, which converts alcoholic beverages into vapor form, allowing people to experience the sensory aspects and flavors without actually absorbing any alcohol into their bloodstream. In essence, drinking not to get drunk, just to enjoy the aromas and the experience of lifting a glass to your mouth, true to traditional drinking methodology.
Looking Forward
Where else could this take us? Beyond the immediate sensory appeal, alcohol vaporization technology holds potential for addressing health concerns related to alcohol consumption. We could reduce liver issues, alcoholism, and drunken accidents. Additionally, in a world where auditory and visual technologies are flourishing, a concept like Vapeohol could add a unique layer to the virtual space by incorporating a more sensory, and immersive experience.